Ryan Canuel of Petricore stops by for a mostly-not-especially-spooky conversation about augmented reality, what bootstrapping actually means, and—alright, some stuff about horror movies right at the end there.

You can get the Mythic Realms demo in Quest App Lab.
You can wishlist AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! Remastered and play its demo on Steam, where you can also play Operation DogFight for free.
And you can find a whole bunch of Petricore Games’ work on their website.


“All The People Say (Season 5)” by Carpe Demon.
The music from the Mind the Arrow trailer, by Aaron Lin.
“After the Rain” by Francis Canaro, performed by Harry Fryer and His Orchestra.

We’re on Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsStitcherAmazon MusicSpotifyPocketCasts, and just about everywhere else. You can also subscribe using good old-fashioned RSS.

Logo by Aaron Perry-Zucker, using Icons by by Llisole, Dávid Gladiš, Atif Arshad, Daniel Nochta, Mike Rowe, Jakub Čaja, Raji Purcell and IconsGhost from the Noun Project.

Left-click to play. Right-click to download.

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