ETAO Podcast, Episode 59.

Greg Batha has done a remarkable variety of creative/technical work, from the interface of Dream Daddy, to live visualizations for touring musicians, to the hectic and adorable puzzle battler bit bit blocks. What brings it all together, he explains in this wide-ranging interview, is the desire to do things in a given medium that can only be done in that medium. Come for the actually quite workable distinction between art and design, stay for the discussion of that one Futurama where Bender meets God (after being God) as a metaphor for good UX and UI!

Images from Greg Batha’s portfolio on the Cargo Collective site.
Homecoming: A Film By Beyoncé chronicles utter devotion to showwomanship, and is required viewing for anyone who doesn’t get what all the Beyoncé-fuss is about (as is Lemonade, of course).

• I don’t think there is yet a definitive single source for the astonishing tech behind Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but for whatever it’s worth, I had this video in mind when I mentioned those glorious, all-important dots.

• “Springs fully forth” is a dumb malapropy phrase of mine that I actually kind of dig, upon listening back to it.

• Here’s the fantastic Contrapoints video about the fraught and often awful way that straight cis men too often imagine trans women. (It’s not just about that, mind you, specifically because it’s not all about our infinitely fragile cismale feelings, my dudes).

• The notion of “The 8 Kinds of Fun” comes mostly from Marc “MAHK” MeBlanc’s sundry self-styled “rants.”
“All The People Say (Season 3)” by Holly Hyperion.
“Dream Daddy” by Louis Herscher and George Keefe, performed by The Ambassadors and Ernest Hare, then performed by Ted Lewis and His Band, and then performed by Lewis James.

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Logo by Aaron Perry-Zucker, using Icons by by Llisole, Dávid Gladiš, Atif Arshad, Daniel Nochta, Mike Rowe, Jakub Čaja, Raji Purcell and IconsGhost from the Noun Project.

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